Category Archives: DXPeditions


CY9C II – Day 9 – QRT

As I type this, Connor and I are on the mainland in Dingwall, NS waiting for the chopper to return with the 3rd load from St. Paul Island. We closed operations at 1140z 2019-08-08 after working the last of the JA stations we could hear on 20 and 40 CW and FT8. I’ve sent the… Read more »

CY9C II – Day 8 (Last Full Day)

Good afternoon from CY9C. It’s our last full day of HF operations so we’re shaking every last contact from the bands that we can. As I type this, we’re about to break 25,000 QSOs! We’ve worked 10, 15 and 20 during daylight so far, and Pat, N2IEN had a great run on 40 CW this… Read more »

CY9C II – Day 7

Another great day on the island 🙂 I worked 80m phone last night from 0010z to 0245z and it was just a wall of stations. I went over and tried to work 160m phone, but thunderstorms in the midwest were giving me S9+5dB static crashes, so I gave up and ran 160m FT8 just to… Read more »

CY9C II – Day 6

The HF gods giveth, and the HF gods taketh away. I awoke to the news that we’re experiencing a G1 solar storm. The A index is at 4, and the K index is at 5. For those who don’t know what that means, it means that a lot of the energy we’re putting out into… Read more »

CY9C II – Day 5

Good evening from the Graveyard of the Gulf. All 4 HF stations are humming happily. Lee, WW2DX is working 2m and 6m EME simultaneously, and today (finally) finished building the Satellite station, complete with auto-tracking radio and rotator. We’ve done 4 satellite QSOs so far, but that was just to get the rest of the… Read more »