Category Archives: DXPeditions


CY9C – Day 10, Goodbye St. Paul Island

I left St. Paul this morning and am typing this from the back of my truck in the baseball field we’ve been using as an airfield. We are getting all the gear and people off of the North East Point first. Will, AA4NC will operate from there until the last possible moment. After that’s done,… Read more »

CY9C – Day 9, Leaving Early :(

I experienced one of the most beautiful and most intense thunderstorms of my entire life last night. Once we realized a storm was approaching from the west, we disconnected all the feedlines and just watched it for 10 minutes. Lightning was flashing everywhere, and bolts were hitting the water. And then the rain started and… Read more »

CY9C – Day 8 Update

Well the winds came back and paid us a visit – starting last night (local time), they were kicking up to about 80km/h. Thankfully, we’ve sustained no damage. The tents are okay and the antennas are still standing. Then the rain started around 9AM this morning, local time (1200z) so we’ve been trying to keep… Read more »

CY9C – Day 7, RTTY Logs Fixed, Active on LEO Birds

It’s another beautiful day on the North East Point of St. Paul Island. Band conditions aren’t great, but the weather is getting better by the day. By the time we have to disembark, the winds should be almost still, which will make the trip home a lot easier (and safer). We’ve already started to offload… Read more »

CY9C – Day 6, Log Dump Complete!

Good afternoon from sunny and warm St. Paul Island! The wind gusts are dying down and by tomorrow should be under 30kph, but as it is, they’re manageable now and we’re operating normally. Pat, N2IEN is out getting us some more gas, and bringing some stuff from the other site (like a spare tent, just… Read more »